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Febbraio 2025
13 Giugno 2013
350 civil society representatives gather together in Moscow on June 13-14 for the Civil20, a summit to develop recommendations which are expected to influence the G20 Summit agenda
di Staff
29 Maggio 2013
600 representatives of the world’s most important foundations meet in Copenhagen for the 24th EFC Annual general Assembly, tackling the theme of sustainable cities
28 Maggio 2013
The 13th Theatre Company runs drama workshops for people with learning disabilities
21 Maggio 2013
Year Here is the first ever structured, aspirational UK based gap year opportunity
30 Aprile 2013
The newly released Social Progress index tracks social and environmental dimensions rather than economic progress. Sweden is first, followed by the UK, Switzerland and Canada.
18 Aprile 2013
The First European Social Business Forum will take place in Wiesbaden, Germany, on 22 April. It will be co-hosted by Yunus Social Business GmbH in Frankfurt
17 Aprile 2013
The 2013 Mayor’s Low Carbon Prize will award innovative energy saving ideas from London students.
11 Aprile 2013
The International Day for Street Children is celebrated every year on 12 April and it aims at giving a voice to the millions of street children all around the world
8 Aprile 2013
OxfordJam, a fringe to the Skoll World Forum, is a 3-day event creating a space for the nurturing of social economy and social finance all over the world.
15 Gennaio 2013
A large amount of EU waste funding has gone unspent. If the money is not invested by 2015, it could go lost forever
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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