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Febbraio 2025
17 Dicembre 2014
The new Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) includes Italy’s €670 million programme, the largest of all FEAD allocations across the EU.
di Staff
9 Dicembre 2014
Third Sector’s Business Charity Awards, now in their sixth year, recognise how companies contribute to charities.
4 Dicembre 2014
Financial and enterprise education charity MyBnk invites you to donate to a great cause with young people in mind. Donations doubled from 4th-6th December.
2 Dicembre 2014
A debate on gender and generation policies has taken place in Milan. During the conference a prize in memory of prominent Italian journalist Miriam Mafai was presented.
28 Novembre 2014
Social Enterprise UK, together with Business in the Community, is developing a Christmas project as part of its Buy Social campaign
26 Novembre 2014
The Big Prizes for Innovation (Grands Prix de l’Innovation) reward the most promising startups based in the Île-de-France region. The award ceremony will take place in Paris on 2 December 2014.
18 Novembre 2014
The European Women’s Lobby launch their latest project WEstart, to gain a better understanding of the state of play of women’s social entrepreneurship in Europe.
13 Novembre 2014
The Charter of Local Fair Trade has been launched to define fair trade principles in order to promote and strengthen sustainable farming in France.
7 Novembre 2014
A worldwide movement of entrepreneurial people, with millions unleashing their enterprising talents and turning their ideas into reality.
6 Novembre 2014
The French city will host the Grand Final of the Tour des Solutions, aimed at identifying practical solutions, in order to solve the most urgent social and environmental problems.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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