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Marzo 2025
7 Aprile 2009
Follow us through the best podcasts from world class universities
di Selene Biffi
8 Agosto 2008
Esiste una Cina poco conosciuta, quella delle organizzazioni giovanili che si impegnano per gli altri. Eccone un assaggio, preso da Robin Hoodies, il blog di VitaEurope
15 Novembre 2007
OSCE's first ever youth forum has proved that finally the issue of youth participation in European political life is on the table. We are now waiting for the next step
22 Ottobre 2007
A Career Development Centre in Timisoara, founded by neo-graduate Andrea Argintariu, helps students in their career choices, preventing them from escaping to greener pastures ...
10 Ottobre 2007
Founder of YAC and global youth activist Selene Biffi reports on the Global forum on youth and ICTs for development, held in Geneva: good for networking but need more funds
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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