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Marzo 2025
9 Luglio 2008
The concept of social networks, cyberactivism and even “infocitizenship” is quickly making its way into the news. What is the real impact and potential of the blogosphere?
di Ruben Soza
11 Ottobre 2007
Alberto Masetti-Zannini, 32, defines himself a consultant and social entrepreneur, and believes that NGOs are missing out on a great opportunity by not launching into Web 2.0 ...
15 Luglio 2007
On the 4th of July a magazine dedicated to civil society issues in China was shut down. China's third sector says it is a blow as it is the only independent media to cover their work
10 Luglio 2007
More than 500 African NGOs are brought together under REPAOC, an NGO that aims to unite and represent civil society in at least 8 African nations
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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