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Febbraio 2025
11 Maggio 2009
The Youth and New Media conference in La Pobla de Vallbona brought all the movers and groovers of European Media to discuss the future of reporting Europe.
di Rose Hackman
8 Maggio 2009
Una volontaria racconta il segreto delle "truppe" pro Obama
29 Aprile 2009
Giulia Prelz Oltramonti answers questions on her experience as an Obama volunteer, and on Obama's capacity to keep spontaneity in the act of institutionalised volunteering.
Wiveca Holst talks about fighting for women's rights even in Sweden, and the famous prostitution law
17 Aprile 2009
Colette De Troy talks about why Europe is not taking the fight against Human Trafficking seriously
10 Aprile 2009
Grace Lee answers questions on the Haven's activities in Wolverhampton fighting domestic violence.
6 Aprile 2009
Professor Fuat Keyman answers questions on Turkey's future, civil society, and EU access.
3 Aprile 2009
European Union Fundamental Rights Agency published its latest report on March 31. The report, on homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the EU, found Latvia somewhat lacking.
25 Marzo 2009
Sylvie Copyans of SALAM talks about the reality of illegal migrants in Calais and the critically acclaimed film "Welcome"
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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