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Febbraio 2025
22 Giugno 2009
ActionAid has called for a unilateral addressing of the female face of poverty by leaders at the up-coming G8 summit this July in a specially produced report. A necessary move, or an unimaginative repetition of well-known facts?
di Rose Hackman
15 Giugno 2009
Wolfgang Sachs on the future of the green movement, and the imperative to start putting into practice a transformative perspective.
12 Giugno 2009
New web platform Afronline seeks to make Africa's real voice heard to the West.
9 Giugno 2009
Antoine Foucher on the Green success in France
5 Giugno 2009
L'informazione da Bruxelles è troppo condizionata dai punti di vista nazionali. Così lei ha deciso di fondare un sito per dare un punto di vista "europeo"...
4 Giugno 2009
Poverty is one of the issues where the European Union, through its parliament, can effectively act, according to the European Anti-Poverty Network, stepping in where national governments have failed.
27 Maggio 2009
Michal Musil, deputy editor of MF DNES, on the law which is seriously threatening freedom of press in the Czech Republic
21 Maggio 2009
The EFC (European Foundation Centre) recently held its annual conference in Rome over the course of three days, from May 14 to May 16.
20 Maggio 2009
Sarah Hohler answers questions on her time at Oxford with Burmese activist and democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi
14 Maggio 2009
David Mark answers questions on the Roma situation in Europe, highlighting current discrimination forms and threats for the future.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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