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Febbraio 2025
15 Settembre 2008
The state of philanthropy in the Irish non profit secor
di Rita Meloni
How many people voluteering in Ireland?
3 Settembre 2008
The UK's only recruitment event for the non profit sector opens in London at the Business Design Centre, 10-11 October.
1 Settembre 2008
Till 4th November 2008 social entrepreneurs can apply for the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship (SASE) provided by the Skoll foundation. It's designed for social entrepreneurs that have proved successful in addressing a broad array of social issues
13 Agosto 2008
Facts and figures about the non profit sector in Spain
20 Maggio 2008
Skimming away the waffle. This is the aim of an American style benchmarking web tool, created by philanthropy academic Giuliana Gemelli, that finally reveals Europe's top non profit courses
29 Febbraio 2008
OSCR reveals the latest full profile of Scottish charity sector
18 Novembre 2007
The state of art of the Polish third sector
The third sector is no longer an outsider actor in the Italian economy.
In Romania there are 45,000 associations and foundations, more than 1,000 federations and unions and around 20,000 NGOs..
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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