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Febbraio 2025
15 Aprile 2010
Skilled volunteers looking for challenging tasks to change the world are the new faces of the Third Sector.
di Rita Meloni
5 Aprile 2010
People are two times more likely to become donors than volunteers
16 Gennaio 2010
Ireland is three years ahead of the European target in aid to development
12 Dicembre 2009
A new law defining the legal status of enterprises is set to change the DNA of the non profit sector
3 Novembre 2009
The 1% law helps to create a culture of giving
30 Settembre 2009
The 2% law as a dynamo for development
3 Dicembre 2008
Four European aids to development agencies suppor The Eldis a free on-line community focused on international development.
26 Novembre 2008
Claudio Travaglini, Professor in business administration at the university in Bologna, has researched non profit accountability practices in three European countries. His conclusion? That the time is ripe for a common framework.
23 Novembre 2008
The fourth laboratory dedicated to communications strategy for Italian non profits
11 Novembre 2008
VITAeupore meets Malgorzata Niemkiewicz, executive board secretary at Caritas, in the Gdansk Archdiocese.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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