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Marzo 2025
14 Luglio 2011
Lego reduces toys packaging and makes it more sustainable
di Ottavia Spaggiari
24 Giugno 2011
Berlino gli orti urbani Princess Garden
17 Giugno 2011
Amid the polemics, more and more people are gathering together for the Slutwalk protest
9 Giugno 2011
The Princess Garden, a green oasis that changed the life of an entire community
8 Giugno 2011
Ashoka launches the Global Empathy Initiative, a campaign to teach children about empathy
7 Giugno 2011
Interview with Judy Boyle, founder of the No Project campaign to stop Human Trafficking
31 Maggio 2011
The government decided to abandon nuclear power by 2022
30 Maggio 2011
A documentary about social innovation, women and Africa
17 Maggio 2011
An occasion to think and celebrate
The pleasure of making people happy
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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