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Febbraio 2025
3 Febbraio 2008
The free internet programme is useless, says NGO Internet Makedonija, and government should better spend its money on programmes that really reach the citizens
di Oneworld Southeast Europe
31 Gennaio 2008
A group of Serbian NGOs has sent an open letter to the highest elected bodies in the country expressing their concern regarding the increasing distance away from integration
30 Gennaio 2008
Marking the Data Protection Day, the OSCE Presence in Albania emphasized the importance of a data protection system that meets European standards
24 Gennaio 2008
According to the newly appointed Ombudsman for Minorities these are historically interesting times with retiring baby boomers and growing immigration. Here are the challenges that lie ahead
20 Gennaio 2008
Serbian NGOs called on the EU to sign the Stabilisation and Association Agreement in order to ensure positive democratic developments & bring Serbia and the EU closer
14 Gennaio 2008
Muslim Macedonian women will now be allowed to choose whether to wear their headscarf in their passport photos. The rules were changed following NGO pressure.
13 Gennaio 2008
The plans for Croatia to conclude the negotiations with EU by 2009 and join the Union in 2001 are increasingly less realistic
10 Gennaio 2008
Employment is a problem in Albania, says study condcted by the AGENDA Institute and MJAFT Movement, with the support of the World Bank
9 Gennaio 2008
The Federation of NGOs in Serbia calls on citizens to flock to the polls and support a pro-European candidate
6 Gennaio 2008
Recommendations for increased political participation of women have been published by Croatian pro-women's rights NGO, CESI. Download the report here
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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