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Febbraio 2025
24 Marzo 2008
"Terrorism, No Thank You". With this title the third VivisectFest, a festival that celebrates human rights through the showing of multimedia materials opens in Novi Sad, Serbia
di Oneworld Southeast Europe
18 Marzo 2008
The CIVICUS Civil Society Index (CSI) is an action-research project to assess the state of civil society around the world. On Monday the CSI for Serbia was presented
11 Marzo 2008
Reporters Without Borders calls on Internet users to protest in virtual versions of countries that are Internet enemies. A detailed report on cyber-censorship also released
8 Marzo 2008
Social Watch has launched a Gender Equity Index at the UN's commission on the status of women held March 8th. The index ranks the status of gender equality in 157 countries
26 Febbraio 2008
Serbian NGOs have asked the media to give more space to initiatives that promote human rights and that result in fewer attacks on members of ethnic groups
24 Febbraio 2008
A bolgging committee for a referendum on NATO has been set up in Zagreb with the aim of securing Croatia's decision to join NATO through popular referendum.
17 Febbraio 2008
Kosovo Assembly declared the region a new country yesterday February 17, in a step that marks the further dissolution of former Yugoslavia into ethnically based Balkan states
14 Febbraio 2008
The Peje/Pec based Tavolo Trentino con il Kosovo (TTK) has issued a declaration on the coming resolution of the status of Kosovo
10 Febbraio 2008
Serbia's bid for the EU is now pushing for EU budget funding for Serbian students. "Youth is a central part of EU integration", say student union representatives
6 Febbraio 2008
All local associations and informal civic groups from Serbia are eligible to apply for budgets through BCIF's Active Communities and Social Transition programmes
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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