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Febbraio 2025
12 Giugno 2008
Anti trafficking NGO Astra has launched the naked facts campaign to fight human trafficking in Serbia under the slogan: People are not a commodity
di Oneworld Southeast Europe
3 Giugno 2008
MOST, a local NGO, has reported a number of grave violations of proper electoral procedures following the 2008 Parliamentary elections held in Macedonia on Sunday June 1st
22 Maggio 2008
57 percent of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina would leave the country for seasonal work abroad if they could. A survey reveals the dissatisfaction of youth who look to the EU for opportunities
21 Maggio 2008
The EC's sustainable tourism award, EDEN, selects the top European destinations based on their respect of environmental & social values. This year Slovenia & Croatia are in the running
13 Maggio 2008
The First Children's Embassy in the World, a Macedonian pro children's rights association, is campaigning to stop children from being used in political election campaigns, where they are often turne
22 Aprile 2008
In just two weeks over 20 thousand free software packages were downloaded by Serbian servers, announced the government, that has invested 100 thousand euros in increasing their popularity
14 Aprile 2008
The Croatian Human rights office has anounced that state funds will be available for projects dedicated to promoting human rights for the 2008 busget. Deadline: May 5
6 Aprile 2008
The EU wants to use civil society to promote pro-EU reforms in the governments of its southern and eastern European neighbours - and it looks like a win-win situation, say NGOs
31 Marzo 2008
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in Alexandria, Egypt, has launched an international online platform to promote access to knowledge in developing countries
27 Marzo 2008
Human Rights Committee experts raised concerns about gaps in implementing programmes to curb corruption, societal violence and discrimination against women and ethnic minorities
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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