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Febbraio 2025
11 Febbraio 2010
4000-strong protests in Zagreb mark public displeasure at being left in the shadows over private investments
di Oneworld Southeast Europe
27 Gennaio 2010
Poll reflects Croatians' perception of discrimantion
25 Novembre 2009
Last week, the two parties agreed in joining their forces to protect education and development of electronic media, copyrights, freedom of speech. A strengthened cooperation of the Council with the civil sector was also foreseen.
13 Novembre 2009
Interview with Ardita Ramizi Bala, Director of the Peje/Peć Women’s Wellness Centre in Kosovo
20 Ottobre 2009
The Report by the European Commission points out that Macedonia achieved significant progress in the fulfilment of key priorities.
12 Ottobre 2009
Children in Macedonia are more exposed to violence than their peers in Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2 Settembre 2009
CIVIL NGO for the social integration of different ethnic communities in Macedonia
13 Febbraio 2009
Ensuring a safe internet environment for children will be the focus of this Year for the protection of children on the internet.
6 Febbraio 2009
Five Serbian NGOs have written a letter to the European Commission, European Parliament and to the governments of all EU member-states demanding that the current situation in Serbia and region be reconsidered.
19 Novembre 2008
14 million euros have been allocated to improving access to rights of Roma people.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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