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Febbraio 2025
13 Giugno 2012
The programme will foster activism and cooperation between youth of different ethnicities
di Oneworld Southeast Europe
13 Febbraio 2012
The proposed anti-counterfeiting trade agreement has fired up protests worldwide. This is why
20 Dicembre 2011
The lesbian and gay community in Serbia don't trust the police or the institutions says a new survey
15 Dicembre 2011
A new web portal aims to make the internet more accessible to blind people in the Balkans
30 Agosto 2011
Despite initial doubts over whether the Belgrade Pride would run, organizers announce a date
24 Agosto 2011
speculation is mounting over whether the march will be able to take place amid concerns over security.
3 Maggio 2011
How useful is a Facebook protest? Our partners in the Balkans, OneWorld SEE, find out
24 Febbraio 2011
Rights organizations issue public statement demanding that a solution to violence be found
9 Febbraio 2011
A contest open to schools in Southeast Europe: building bridges between communities through volunteering
28 Luglio 2010
The ICJ rules that Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence is not a violation of the international Law.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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