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Marzo 2025
7 Dicembre 2008
A new website that provides information on hundreds of funding sources has been launched in the Republic of Ireland
di Olivia McConhay
5 Settembre 2008
(RED) to launch new way for people to get music in their lives
29 Agosto 2008
Barack makes his promise of "change" specific promising to share the challenge to make America a better place with everyday change maker
28 Agosto 2008
Climate cartoons provoke, protest & entertain
26 Agosto 2008
83% of the general public would be less likely or unwilling to give to a charity if they found out it was not investing ethically
19 Marzo 2008
There are 2 million women volunteers in Italy but less than 30% of non profit managers are women and only 15% of MPs, says a survey published by Auser this week
4 Marzo 2008
Spain: Special Report/ The director of Spain's non profit magazine, Entorno Social, gives his balance of the impact of the socialist government. What to expect? More growth...
20 Febbraio 2008
Ending Street Homelessness, a campaign to stop people in Europe from having to sleep rough, is calling on MEPs to back a written declaration and change
29 Luglio 2007
Donors are more sympathetic to a single starving child than to two. And they want their money to go to directly to a good cause say findings of recent research
19 Luglio 2007
Greenpeace calls for action to clean up the worlds sea beds from garbage. According to a recent report released by Greenpeaces Rainbow Warrior during its recent stay in Barcelona ...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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