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Marzo 2025
21 Settembre 2009
Sweden will be the first European country to impose new ecological standards on organic produce from 2012
di Olivia McConhay
18 Settembre 2009
The World Bank has released a report detailing the extreme costs of global warming.
5 Agosto 2009
Four hours of volunteering for a concert ticket.
28 Luglio 2009
Thoroughly screened charity websites to use .ngo
20 Luglio 2009
Freegans in the UK claim that food waste is the big unspoken environmental crisis of our times
10 Luglio 2009
Karel De Gucht takes over from Louis Michel.
Last day of summit sees key pledges in farm aid
9 Luglio 2009
G8 leaders reach rocky climate conclusion.
3 Luglio 2009
Earth Song came out in 1995 in the UK, and despite its reaching number one in the charts, its overriding message largely went ignored.
25 Giugno 2009
Amnesty International has called on Sweden, famous for its Human Rights record, to actively fight torture in its 6 month EU presidency.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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