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Marzo 2025
20 Dicembre 2010
Giving to those you love and the needy, and lifting only a finger (or two)
di Olivia McConhay
13 Dicembre 2010
First the men did it with Movember. Now the feminists are at it too: grow your eyebrows for a month and raise money for charity
25 Agosto 2010
Applications to volunteer at the London 2012 Olympics open on September 15. Have you got what it takes?
19 Marzo 2010
Chronicle of Philanthropy finds that Americans have donated almost $1 billion dollars to Haiti
25 Febbraio 2010
Clamp down on Oxfam activities in universities spreads fears among civil society operative on the Chinese ground
11 Febbraio 2010
February 11 2010 marks the 20th anniversary of the release of Nelson Mandela in South Africa
10 Febbraio 2010
Leaving some, such as leader of the European Green party Daniel Cohn-Bendit, unimpressed
5 Febbraio 2010
Internet crackdown spells disaster for freedom of speech
2 Gennaio 2010
Experts warn that 2010 spells on-going economic suffering for the aid world
7 Dicembre 2009
This week sees the kick-off of the UN summit on climate change or COP15
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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