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Marzo 2025
30 Settembre 2009
Jose Manuel Barroso has announced plans to confront the 79 million European poor
di Liuba Jannsen
22 Settembre 2009
New charity seeks to make people round up transactions and give the difference to chosen cause
25 Agosto 2009
Web tool signals Europe beaches quality ratings
4 Agosto 2009
French farmers have refused to reimburse €330 million of state aid
29 Luglio 2009
Copenhagen hosts "Gay Olympics" and co-publishes catalogue on LGBT best practices
8 Luglio 2009
The main social issues of the latest Papal Encyclical
26 Agosto 2008
The 33 environmentalist who protested the Gendarmerie raid of the Ekotopya Youth Park in Sinop in front of the governorship are released. The Prime Minister calls them “idle environmentalists”
13 Luglio 2008
Over 148,000 registered civil society organisations (CSOs) operate in Turkey today. Of these, 54% are associations, 39.18% are cooperatives and 3.03% are foundations (see chart below). They are unevenly distributed across the nation’s 81 provinces, yet
4 Marzo 2008
Special Report: Spain/ An online guide to Spains non profit world. Whether you are a volunteer, student or professional, here are the websites you need to know about.
6 Agosto 2007
The first ever index of peacefulness, the GPI, ignores violence to women and children and gives a skewed measurement of peace, reports the Christian Science Monitor
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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