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Marzo 2025
9 Febbraio 2011
Three months after toxic red sludge devastated the Hungarian countryside, environmentalists find proof of continuing pollution
di Liuba Jannsen
13 Dicembre 2010
Protests across northern Germany this weekend highlight the dissent surrounding nuclear energy
12 Ottobre 2010
As the USA celebrates fair trade month, a new tagging system is launched that can track cocoa beans to the source
14 Settembre 2010
Catherine Ashton speaks about civil society. An untapped resource for the Global EU?
10 Giugno 2010
Law 53/2007 prevents weapons exported from Spain from ending up in the wrong hands. "Really?" say NGOs
11 Maggio 2010
Matter of Trust, an American NGO, thinks it may have found a solution to clean up the BP oil spill.
4 Febbraio 2010
Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin pledges his fortune to charity in the next 10 years
21 Dicembre 2009
Activists react to the outcome of the great UN summit which was set to define a generation
23 Ottobre 2009
Pre-crisis records show depressing reality within EU
13 Ottobre 2009
The Nobel Economy Prize winners are Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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