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Marzo 2025
9 Aprile 2008
Hungarian non profit organisations have until May 20th to convince tax payers to allocate 1% of their income tax to the non profit cause. Here are their campaigns
di Kriszta Maria Takacs
8 Aprile 2008
Hungary's first charitable laundry? A small social enterprise, set up by the Hungarian Maltese charity service to provide employment to homeless people offering them a chance to start their lives a n
28 Marzo 2008
Hungary's non profit sector is about to launch its first ever Annual Civil Society Report, a general overview of the civil sector and answers to some of the most pressing questions
28 Febbraio 2008
Between 1990 and 2007 the number of non profit organisations in Hungary grew 6 times and the important role of civil society in the development of the coutry was acknowledged by government officials
12 Febbraio 2008
A website dedicated to the culture of donation has been launched to keep track of donation trends and to promote a culture of donation in Hungary
9 Settembre 2007
Finally Hungarian consumers have somewhere to go to find out about their rights. A new online service answers their questions and warns them against bad deals
29 Settembre 2006
A special pass issued to lobbyers allows them free entry to the national parliament and other national administration offices
The Budapest Mayor Office plans to publish a call for tender in relation to building a wi-fi network covering the whole Hungarian capital
13 Luglio 2006
More than 100 public foundations will stop their work until the end of 2007. The activities and the finacial situation of some of these foundations are not transparent enough
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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