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Marzo 2025
27 Aprile 2008
UN study recommends more sustainable farming practices to avoid disaster and World Bank chief calls for US$500 million in emergency aid to the U.N. World Food Program by May 1
di INSnet intl
23 Aprile 2008
A report published by the UN Special Representative on Human Rights and Business, John Ruggie, highlights the need to address corporate abuse of human rights and suggests a values based action plan
14 Aprile 2008
Since the 70's "green" has become a universal tool vaunted by industry - and especially the big polluters - but how much has business really done to become environmentally friendly?
6 Aprile 2008
EU industrial CO2 emissions increased in 2007, casting doubts as to the bloc's ability to honour its CO2 reduction commitments. But predicted emissions will drop in coming years
1 Aprile 2008
Former US vice president Al Gore has launched a $300 m campaign to fight climate change under the slogan "we can solve it" and likened the challenge to the battle of Normandy...
27 Marzo 2008
The UN has long enjoyed the view of Lake Geneva from its offices, but will now turn their setting to a practical advantage and use the Lake's water to cool and heat their buildings
9 Marzo 2008
The British government has announced a "tap water only" policy to protect the environment. The policy is to come into effect by the summer
27 Febbraio 2008
As the world wakes up to green concerns some observers see groups like Greenpeace losing their impact as governments, companies and individuals have adopted their struggle
19 Febbraio 2008
Shoppers in Norway can now buy cuts in their carbon footprint as they shop for their weekly food supplies. How? By buying UN approved certificates to invest in emissions cutting projects
17 Febbraio 2008
Richard Branson offers to set up an "environmental war room" to promote climate change best practices and mediate between countries.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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