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Marzo 2025
17 Ottobre 2008
Copenhagen wants to be ready for the U.N. Climate Change Conference it will host next November...
di INSnet intl
8 Settembre 2008
Nine Baltic sea states all scored failing grades in an annual WWF evaluation of their performance in protecting and restoring the world’s most damaged sea.
Green lifestyle magazine Plenty announces this year's Plenty 20 Award winners ... with not few surprises.
19 Agosto 2008
The theme of this year's annual gathering? Sanitation and hygiene.
Following an appeal by environmental NGO WWF, the UK's advertising authority has ruled against Shell's greenwashing advretising campaign
4 Agosto 2008
Technologies are considered a cornerstone of EU efforts to tackle climate change.
Environmental experts, economists and journalists join forces to tackle global (and local) environmental challenges.
15 Giugno 2008
A report reveals that the military is increasingly influencing the research agenda at some of the UK's most prestigious universities. Which observers say is: "deeply disturbing"
19 Maggio 2008
A global tree planting campaign, that has already planted 2 billion trees in 155 countries, sponsored by the UN Environmental Programme, has now increased its stake and aims to plant 7 billion more
13 Maggio 2008
500 thousand euros. This is the prize that the PICNIC '08 Green Challenge will hand over to the individual with the most innovative idea to reduce greenhouse emissions. Contest closes on July 31 2008
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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