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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
16 Luglio 2006
The structures and work patterns of ONGDs (NGOs for Development) reflect the disparities between men and women
di Ges
A report by the Observatory on Sustainability in Spain reveals the changes in the use of the Spanish land and their effects on sustainability
The Spanish Administration will promote that all the enterprises report on a regular basis about those activities or products of theirs which may have a significant influence on the environment.
20 Giugno 2006
More than 200 organisation sign a pact to promote social inclusion policies
19 Giugno 2006
Caja Madrid will fund seven social projects with 140,000
The Foundation for co-development-related missions takes roots in Colombia
The Rétale programme, managed by the savings bank Caixa de Catalunya, is helping Ecuadorian migrants to start up businesses of their own in their country
Until 2008, Spanish development aid will focus on ten Latin American countries
2 Giugno 2006
Investment banks increasingly resort to micro-loans for the poorest. Micro-loans are becoming profitable financial products in recent years
A participatory work has been put in place to analyse in depth the problems of the management of groundwater and the adoption of a set of measures
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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