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Novembre 2024
10 Ottobre 2006
Around 200 Inhabitants of Tenerife become environmental observers through the Monachus project
di Ges
A report places Spain as the fifth developed country which least contributes to the development of developing countries
25 Settembre 2006
A banner can make us closer or simply aware of the existence of solidarity-driven campaigns
A new law for environmental liability will make enterprises pay for the contamination they produce and will increase sanctions.
Fair trade shops offer an increasing selection of products ranging from coffee to dining-room tables
According to Intermón-Oxfam, 11 commercial chains in Spain sell fair trade products and the sales of these articles have doubled in the last five years
5 Settembre 2006
Intermón: in emergencies world wide and working to improve living conditions
It will make up for 1 ton of CO2 emissions on behalf of all its customers to make at least five purchases per month. Triodos Bank will achieve this aim by buying CO2 certificates.
16 Luglio 2006
A report by the Observatory on Sustainability in Spain reveals the changes in the use of the Spanish land and their effects on sustainability
The Spanish Administration will promote that all the enterprises report on a regular basis about those activities or products of theirs which may have a significant influence on the environment.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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