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Febbraio 2025
7 Gennaio 2007
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di Ges
Recent report refers about growing percentage of private funds and focuses on the transparency of social organizations
10 Dicembre 2006
A Ministry of the Environment and Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces initiative
They aims to stress government regarding 2007 budget while calling for quality improvement of these funds
Lights and shadows of sector activities from politicians, entrepreneurs and journalists point of view
2 Dicembre 2006
A study in Barcelona focuses on what individuals can do to reduce energy consumption
A seminar in Madrid has debated trends, actors and problematics in development field
A transnational initiative aims to make public authorities aware of their role in sustainable development
How to educate youngsters to social responsibility and improve living conditions of unprivileged populations at the same time
24 Novembre 2006
In Spain, philanthropy in its modern meaning is scarcely defined and rather confused
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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