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Febbraio 2025
19 Luglio 2007
Cooperatives are taking on a leading role in Spain's third sector, not only as a third sector reality but as a means of acheiving social goals
di Ges
16 Luglio 2007
NGOs, trade unions, employers organisations and youth associations will manage at least half of the budget (52 million ) of the Catalan Agency for Co-operation
A recent meeting in Madrid has acknowledged the negative impact that unethical financial policies have on society and the environment
26 Giugno 2007
The new development plan introduces a more accurate planning of development aid actions and reinforces the monitoring and evaluation of specific projects
25 Giugno 2007
Enterprises that violate human rights or damage the environment to be excluded from pension funds
The Spanish Government has finally passed the Royal Decree on renewable energies. By 2010 renewable energy will cover 12% of the energetic consumption in Spain
2 Maggio 2007
Corporate Social Responsibility- A Dialogue with the Tourism Industry is a European project developed by three NGOs: (ACSUD Las Segovias PV, Spain), Kate and Tourism Watch (Germany)
7 Aprile 2007
In 2006, Spanish saving banks devoted 1,500 million eur to social philanthropy, a figure that amounts to around 27% the individual net profits of these financial organisations
This provision is expected to be ready by the middle of this year and to enhance corporate social responsibility
6 Aprile 2007
Promoted by the Lealtad Foundation, they will be implemented both in Spain and abroad
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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