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Febbraio 2025
10 Gennaio 2008
SocialBid: an innovative fundraising solution that uses eBay to sell unwanted objects online and use the money to buy food and medicine for the poor
di Ges
According to a recent study by the Fundació Un Sol Món, in Spain there are currently 189 labour integration enterprises that help more than 4,000 individuals to find work
2 Dicembre 2007
Microloans have taken off in a big way in Spain in the past two years, but experts warn that they risk becoming standard financial products and not tools for social inclusion
4 Novembre 2007
Spain is soon to pass a bill that will increase the amount of water that can be purified and re-used to three times its current capacity
Ethical banking is no longer thought of as an extravagance in Spain, rather it has become a real profit making system that people feel they can trust
4 Ottobre 2007
Triodos Bank launches 'Depósito Actúa', the first Spanish bank product linked to human rights
3 Ottobre 2007
Spain proposes to create an international environmental organisation modelled on the World Trade Organisation
2 Ottobre 2007
An example of good practice: Capital for Inclusion. A project that began in Barcelona to fight labour exclusion and will now be taken to the rest of Spain
6 Settembre 2007
Renewable energies currently amount to 5% the GDP of the region, while wind power employs around 3.000 people.
3 Settembre 2007
The Foundations Nova Feina and Un Sol Món help entrepreneurs unable to have access to conventional loans
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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