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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
23 Aprile 2006
Environment-friendly organisations, NGOs, trade unions and consumers are promoting a campaign to raise awareness about trade of cotton in the world.
di Ges
10 Aprile 2006
The Andalusian Government promoted the creation of 143 social economy enterprises and the consolidation of 518 other companies
Batzarre will propose initiatives in a number of municipalities near Pamplona (Navarra)
Triodos Bank presents the fair account in agreement with NGOs Ideas, Intermón and Setem
9 Aprile 2006
The project has a budget of 1,6 million Euros for seven municipalities of Asturias
8 Aprile 2006
The Catalan town council of Girona increases the funds devoted to solidarity and co-operation
The Basque province of Gipuzkoa will close its bigger rubbish dump in 2009
Micro-loans will facilitate labour integration in the Andalusian province of Málaga
5 Aprile 2006
A judge stops the motorways works due to suspicions of malpractice in expropiations
13 Marzo 2006
A delivery service in Barcelona has distributed 1,600 Christmas lots with an electronic van
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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