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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
15 Maggio 2006
The town council of Palencia and the savings bank Caja Duero agree on granting loans to young entrepreneurs
di Ges
The largest savings bank in Spain, has increased its social budget by nearly 20% reaching 303 million Euro
The Spanish Government has recognised and dignified the task of humanitarian workers and NGO staff abroad
The Diputació de Girona has awarded the prize Terres de Girona to the Grup Editor de la Revista del Discapacitat for the work it is doing in Cuba
Social economy in Spain accounts for more than 10& of total employment.
25 Aprile 2006
The Caja Rural gives micro-loans for unprivileged populations to create their own enterprises
The Caja de Madrid has launched a call to give prizes for positive environmental actions carried out by individuals or non-profit organisations
The enterprise El Corte Inglés sets up information points for ONGs in 47 of its stores
24 Aprile 2006
The purpose is to make people more aware of the opportunities provided by the migratory flows between the countries of migrants origin and host societies.
23 Aprile 2006
The Caja de Canarias offers micro-loans to promote self-employment projects
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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