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Febbraio 2025
19 Febbraio 2012
I’ve learnt that you never know where you may find the answer. You just keep looking for it. Who would have foreseen that my trip to Bilbao would reveal a deeper sense of what we are trying to do in...
di Filippo Addarii
13 Febbraio 2012
On my way into politics I’ve been pondering on citizenship in the 21st century as never before. When you are not a party member and don’t belong to any constituency as in the case of globalized nomads like me, the...
6 Febbraio 2012
The EU calls it ’social business’, coops and mutuals stick to the old definition ‘social economy’, while in Angloland it’s called ‘social enterprise’. I pay little attention to definition – I left Law after few months and the only exam...
30 Gennaio 2012
If you limit your company to highbrow academics, techies fed and bred in the Silicon Valley, enlightened policy-makers and civil society leaders the future looks shiny. This is how I spent last week discussing the innovation society ideology, innovation cascading...
21 Gennaio 2012
To be fair to my readers I must admit I read about the Edhi Foundation and visited The Citizens Foundation. Unjela and Saad took me to the new headquarters of the Citizens Foundation and together with its founder Mushtaq Chhapra...
12 Gennaio 2012
Travelling to Pakistan, I was not expecting to learn anything useful for my work in Europe. After a week spent in Karachi I had to reassess my expectations. In a country unravelled by all sorts of conflicts, slow economic growth,...
9 Gennaio 2012
I didn’t know what to expect when I accepted the invitation to visit Karachi. Faraz Khan, a Pakistani businessman passionate about social change, had insisted for more than a year that I go to visit his country. When I finally accepted Faraz was...
2 Gennaio 2012
Despite the economic forecasts and Mayans’ predictions, I’m very excited by 2012. Is the crisis over? Not at all. On the contrary, we need more crisis to get rid of all the old elephants and reform the system. Europe is...
31 Dicembre 2011
As any other tourist in Kuala Lampur, capital of Malaysia and trade-hub in the region, I was doing my shopping in the malls when I made a shocking discovery. For the first time in my life I found something that excites me...
18 Dicembre 2011
What am i doing with a bunch of women and a puff in the derelict centre of Athens? You might think that the over-exposion to family life has changed my life. This is true partially: I started asking Alberto if...
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