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Febbraio 2025
16 Maggio 2012
Having to give a speech on social entrepreneurship at the Naples Start Up WE I found myself in some trouble. Young Italian guys are fed up with the old political rhetorics. They want opportunities and action. However, I found the opposite...
di Filippo Addarii
11 Maggio 2012
Un modo diverso di capire e strutturare la società, ma anche di intendere e vivere la nostra relazione come individui rispetto alla comunità: questa potrebbe essere la spiegazione che meglio fotografa il concetto di innovazione sociale, un cambiamento di mindset...
29 Aprile 2012
What’s wrong with Europe? We have been sliding from one crisis to another in an endless cycle which is increasing in speed and spread. The results of the elections in France and Greece are likely to open a new round that will...
22 Aprile 2012
While, this week, a twitter follower was questioning my belief that the crisis in Europe is rooted in its lack of innovation, a short trip to Tunisia has convinced me even more deeply by adding a further piece to the puzzle:...
9 Aprile 2012
I have to apologise to my readers for not writing for a while, but work has kept me busy. The last week in particular was pretty hectic. I spent it in Amsterdam, discovering what is emerging in one of the...
25 Marzo 2012
I did not expect that my participation in an event of Consorzio Gino Mattarrelli (CGM) would turn into a menage a trois. I was actually pretty nervous on the eve of the conference. I envisaged hostility and indifference, not a love affair. But...
18 Marzo 2012
Have you ever realized that you could paraphrase Lady Thatcher in relation to Europe and the result could be amazing: Is there such a thing as Europe or just Europeans? The exercise might be intellectually even more titillating after a...
11 Marzo 2012
As it does every year, Forbes published its world’s billionaires: 1,226 people counting for 2% of world wealth (total $4.6 trillions). ‘The list is bigger than ever’ Forbes proudly proclaims. You can even follow your favourite billionaire now! Europe is...
5 Marzo 2012
I’m lazy and lucky this week. Hamish, a cher friend, sent me an article that I’m happy to share. The article points right to the roots of the European crisis. We live in such a comfort zone that we refrain from taking risks and...
26 Febbraio 2012
Whoever still believes that social networks are just ancillary in connecting people is a fool. This week I was invited to address the MBA students of IE Business School. Rachida, assistant professor in charge of social entrepreneurship, read my blog on the...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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