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Febbraio 2025
18 Dicembre 2012
Da una lontana isola nei Caraibi ho seguito con interesse la prima ‘breaking news’ che viene dall’Italia ma che non ha nulla a che vedere con Berlusconi. Constato pero’ che dopo qualche giorno e grandi manovre su tutti i fronti,...
di Filippo Addarii
10 Dicembre 2012
When I was in Paris last week I caught up with Nicolas Hazard, head of the Comptoir de l’innovation (office of Innovation) of Groupe SOS, the large consortium of social enterprises in the France and pioneer in a new way...
2 Dicembre 2012
Thierry told me that we are similar, except that he believes that society changes when every individual participates in the process while I believe that society needs a change in the elite to trigger transformation in the whole. Following this, I had my revelation...
24 Novembre 2012
Today is grey and wet and my mood mirrors it. Running and working are the only remedies. I will spend the weekend drafting my feedback to the new book on the recovery in Europe by Prof Schwab – founder and president...
18 Novembre 2012
You might have noticed my protracted silence since September. Apologies. I didn’t feel comfortable writing. My mind was somehow clogged. I’ve been through a sort of professional crisis, but today while a glorious, unexpected sun is creeping through the window...
17 Settembre 2012
After years of silence and hiding, Italian innovators are re-emerging on the international scene. You will be familiar with Draghi, the head of the ECB, and Monti, the Italian PM. The first is leading the rescue plan for the euro,...
9 Settembre 2012
Perhaps I shouldn’t write in my blog that I have never been thrilled by the Olympic Games… but the Paralympics got my attention for the first time. Actually I got emotional, even passionate sometimes, watching those athletes who strive for...
7 Settembre 2012
You would normally review your achievements and make the New Year’s resolutions in December, but I chose my summer break for such an exercise. As usual I must take my own path. I spent the last 3 weeks in Myanmar...
6 Agosto 2012
Dear readers, it’s time for all of you to get a bit of sun and rest. Between one European crisis and the other one you deserve some respite. The only solution I managed to find then was to fly to Myanmar....
29 Luglio 2012
Sometimes you spot an image that exemplifies right away what you are thinking. There are not better words to describe it than what is displayed in front of you. You just need to take a picture and post it. This...
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