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Febbraio 2025
4 Marzo 2013
I prossimi mesi che si concluderanno con le elezioni continentali saranno mesi decisivi nella costruzione della definizione Ue di impresa sociale. Ecco quali sono gli snodi decisivi
di Filippo Addarii
3 Marzo 2013
Seif is a 22-year-old Tunisian finishing his university degree in engineering and developing a third enterprise at the same time. He loves Arab poetry, believes in God but can stand Islamists. His family are not of the Tunisian elite. He’s...
23 Febbraio 2013
Create and Hoxton Apprentice shut down. Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen is in trouble. These are not just restaurants serving good quality food but social enterprises that train homeless and young ex-offenders to get in the job market. Social enterprises tackled social...
17 Febbraio 2013
Dear Holy Father, I was not shocked by the your resignation. On the contrary, I found the choice a sign of strong leadership. I admire that you publicly admitted that it’s time for you to pass on the baton because...
10 Febbraio 2013
I was in Lisbon this week for the launch of MIES, a project that maps social enterprises and innovation in Portugal. This is the most comprehensive example of research I know, combining a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews to profile...
3 Febbraio 2013
The internet is the 21st century’s revolution, and networks its social product. In history, every technological advancement has always brought dividends to society and caused bloody changes as well: printing nurtured the Renaissance period and enabled the Reformation that ended...
27 Gennaio 2013
On my flight to Toronto, a line of Don Tapscott’s keeps repeating in my mind: ‘success breeds complacency’. It’s not alone – it interweaves with the image of Keanu Reeves dying on Saint Andrew’s cross shape in the final scene...
16 Gennaio 2013
In point 3 of my previous entry I forgot to mention a third person I have been working for the last 2 years and plan to scale up collaboration: Karl Richter. Finally his efforts have been rewarded and the Index...
13 Gennaio 2013
After a long break in the Caribbean I’m back with even more resolve and determination than what you witnessed last year. I intend to shake the foundations of our lovely sleepwalking Europe and help to lay new foundations for a...
19 Dicembre 2012
For my international readers interested in last week attempt to innovate nonprofit sector in Italy introducing the possibility of profit redistribution to third party investors check here. The attempt lasted literally a day (check here) and followed a previous failure...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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