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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
16 Novembre 2013
Roberto Mangabeira-Unger was unequivocal when I asked him what should be the strategy of the social innovation community with the European Union: “I’m passionately against this European Union. It has centralized political and economic power and left national governments to...
di Filippo Addarii
10 Novembre 2013
Eccomi di ritorno. Scusatemi per il prolungato silenzio ma ho dovuto gestire la mia transizione professionale in questi ultimi mesi. Hanno cercato di affondarmi nel momento di debolezza ma, sfortunatamente per i miei avversari, sono di nuovo a cavallo equipaggiato...
6 Agosto 2013
Tanti i cantieri avviati che possono fare fiorire l'impresa sociale rilanciando la crescita e il lavoro in Europa, ma l’evoluzione dei lavori procede lentamente perché questo è diventato terreno di scontro per diversi gruppi d’interesse
26 Aprile 2013
I spent the last week at the Arizona State University, hosted by the School of Sustainability. It was refreshing to spend a week just thinking big and long-term with like-minded people who don’t do “little”. Practitioners tend to rush from...
15 Aprile 2013
Travelling across France and Italy reveals something reminiscent of the nature of the cancer: Europe is afraid of a globalising world that neither dominates nor understands anymore, and seeks refuge in a comfortable past. Everything is OK if we shut...
31 Marzo 2013
‘Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit’. This is the quote from the Gospel (St John 12:24) Dostoevsky...
24 Marzo 2013
The Resistance, the popular armed movement for the liberation from Nazi-Fascism, is the founding myth of the Italian Republic. Almost all Italian political leaders after WW2 had been partisans or supported the resistance although they lived abroad as dissidents. Italians...
21 Marzo 2013
L'intervento di Filippo Addarii in occasione dell'incontro promosso dal Ministero della Ricerca scientifica sull'avvio di un’Agenda italiana per la Social Innovation
17 Marzo 2013
After 6 years of daily news on declining economic performance and even gloomier forecasts of the future do we wonder why people are fed up and disillusioned, demonstrating in the streets of European capitals? Without hope of keeping falling material...
5 Marzo 2013
Aliens who have online media as their only source of info must assume that Southern Europe is doomed: sovereign debt, economic stagnation, rocketing unemployment, high taxes combined with generalized tax evasion. No light at the end the tunnel – only...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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