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Febbraio 2025
15 Luglio 2008
Yesterday I was at a reception in Durbar Court. The British Foreign Office invited the top players in the country to celebrate the signature of the Lisbon Treaty. I was there with the PM. If you don’t know who the...
di Filippo Addarii
Have you had a tattoo yet? Do you remember the last time you met that guy who hijacked you to lecture about his lofty ideas on justice and freedom? How was it? Long and boring but you don’t remember anything...
2 Luglio 2008
Last week I was in Italy for the launch of Leader2Leader, the new association for third sector leaders in the country. Because I didn’t make the usual boring speech I was accused to behave like a facilitator in a Club...
23 Giugno 2008
Networking with Italians… It’s a challenge! The Italian is a gregarious, conservative species. It’s highly social but just within its community. The Italian is not hostile with other species. It’s known to be friendly and open but doesn’t trust the...
17 Giugno 2008
Am I a brain washer? Today I spoke at the NGOs’ days organised by the Croatian government in Zagreb. What an experience! It was my first time and we know, the first time is always painful. My speech was on...
16 Giugno 2008
Finally in Paris. This is the best for a networker in Europe. An ordinary meeting will be given at the office but a really important one at lunch: good restaurant and wine. French are masters in hospitality. Leave them choosing...
13 Giugno 2008
I was in Brussels yesterday, where I go at least once a month. Have you ever been to Brussels? You should as it’s a unique experience and requires a specific type of networking. The Brussels-based community is unique. 15,000 European...
1 Giugno 2008
When I grew up in my wealthy provincial town I was taught that happiness resides in life-long marriage with the person you love. Is this still the truth in a globalising society? Many years ago I left my quiet provincial...
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