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Febbraio 2025
12 Ottobre 2008
Back in the old continent I’ve been drugged into the European affairs again, meaning a day-long multi-party discussion ending with collective recognition that every participant has learned a lot and any decision will be taken at the next meeting. “let’s...
di Filippo Addarii
28 Settembre 2008
This is my last day in NY. In few hours i will take my flight back to the peaceful and quiet old europe. It has been an exciting and challenging trip. On one side, I failed as networker. I wasn’t...
25 Settembre 2008
I’m sorry I abruptly cut short my report on Washington but you know, I’m a very busy person! Anyway, as I was writing, Washington is heaven for professional networkers. In 5 days I met as many people as I meet in Europe in a month. I made...
22 Settembre 2008
After I spent a day in Washington I couldn’t belive I had found heaven on hearth. This the capital which has ruled half of the world for the last 50 years. It’s the capital of the first democratic state in...
13 Settembre 2008
It has been a very busy week and I haven’t been diligent with my diary. Apologies to my dear European fellows. I know you are all waiting for my guidance to discover the rulers’ land during your long holidays. I...
11 Settembre 2008
Dear fellows who live in the old Europe, I hope you enjoy your welfare state, controlled market and long holidays. After less than 2 weeks spent in rulers’ land I’m ready to move here. I know you can’t believe it. You are civilized citizens of...
9 Settembre 2008
Finally, I’ve made it. I’m in the United States of America, the masters of the world. I feel like Alexis de Tocqueville in his adventurous journey to the new continent at the beginning of 19th century to discover the land...
3 Settembre 2008
Two days ago I had an enlightening conversation. I had dinner with Father Giulio, something in between a banker of the Church – naturally the only one which matters – and former member of the communist party after ’89, i.e. defeated. I would like to...
6 Agosto 2008
If you think conferences are always boring, you’ve never been to the International Summer School on Social Innovation ( I was there last week and it was great fun. Social innovators are all crazy. Without even mentioning myself – The...
16 Luglio 2008
Yesterday my colleague Antonio died. Even a professional networker should realise for a moment of silence.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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