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Febbraio 2025
1 Novembre 2009
If you thought the race for the Presidency for European Council would be about intrigue, betrayal and corruption you were wrong – it’s just a lottery. Tony [Blair] is out of race pilloried by his fellow Brits and socialists. The Swedish and Dutch PMs kindly...
di Filippo Addarii
24 Ottobre 2009
Coming back from Brussels I was reading francophone papers. I could tell you about my petty successes with the European Comission but you just need to follow me on Twitter. The case of Mitterand – the French Minister of Culture accused of...
11 Ottobre 2009
This WE I was planning to write about Anna Wintour, the editor in chief of American Vogue who inspired the character impersonated by Glen Close in The Devil wears Prada. I sow a documentary on her just come out: The...
5 Ottobre 2009
You must remember when in 2003 the US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld infuriated France and Germany calling them Old Europe as distinguished from New Europe – the Central-Eastern Europeans willing to support the US in the war on terror. Rumsfeld...
27 Settembre 2009
Everybody seems happy with the outcomes of Pittsburgh: more regulation, more control, more bureaucracy. Thomas Paine wrote that the State is a necessary evil, I add, because human beings are not able to take responsibility their own freedom. Do we...
22 Settembre 2009
Dear readers this time my entry is just about our contribution for EC DG Industry’s consultation on innovation and the new Lisbon Strategy. Below you can read the full text keeping mind that immigrants and Muslim are untapped reources… especially...
13 Settembre 2009
I’m on my way back. I’ve spent 2 weeks traveling up and down across Japan to promote our new baby JACEVO. I tried a Ryokan – a traditional Japanese inn – and dry fish for breakfast. I got naked amongst...
5 Settembre 2009
Umberto Eco, the Italian philosopher, used to say ‘you understand you are European when you are not in Europe anymore’. My trip to Japan has been helping me to understand more about Japan and Europe as well. In Europe we...
2 Settembre 2009
It’s my third day in Japan. Yesterday we left Tokyo just after the launch of Jacevo, our Japanese peer organisation. It was a success. In a day we signed-up 120 members. A year ago I was in NY watching the fall...
26 Agosto 2009
I was running in the park when i made the association: third sector, third way, third sex. You might wonder what I think, see or take while I run but I see a connection. In Le Deuxième Sexe (The Second...
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