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Febbraio 2025
29 Dicembre 2009
I´ve spent the last few days in Rio de Janeiro. I knew it is a wonderful place but didn´t realize how beautiful. Have you ever been? If you haven´t, you must visit in the future. There is no competition. As Sun Tzu said you...
di Filippo Addarii
23 Dicembre 2009
I left for Brazil with my mate Albeo for a deserved break. No family this year but just fun. Now we are at the Iguazu Falls right on the border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguai. Do you remember the film...
12 Dicembre 2009
During the last few weeks national identity has become the main topic in French media. Even Sarko couldn’t refrain from expressing his view and could blame only la racaille this time. It seems that the French don’t know who they are...
6 Dicembre 2009
Hours before the conference in Copenhagen starts I’m still in the office working on the review of the European financial Regulation. Uffff, it’s boring but necessary. I want to make a difference. Therefore I won’t go to Copenhagen. Are you...
30 Novembre 2009
My week in India ended with the World Young Leader Forum. The Forum is organised by the BMW Foundation every two years and is open to all participants to the 4 regional fora – European, Transatlantic, Russian and Asian –...
24 Novembre 2009
After 2 days I got bored of Mumbai so I caught a flight to Bangalore to visit my friend Habeeb, my future partner in Indo-European projects. This is not the topic I want to discuss, however. I was on my...
22 Novembre 2009
You might have noticed that nobody asked you to express your view on who should be the first President of the EU. if you were looking for evidence of a democratic gap in the Union, your request has been met. The...
21 Novembre 2009
My first day in Mumbai and I’m not inspired at all. I guess the result of the Europe top job appointments haven’t helped: it looks like we were back to centuries ago when royal families decided the future of nations on the...
10 Novembre 2009
I started last week at the Annual Conference of BOND, the British platform of Development NGOs. On Friday I was at the first conference of the Berlin Center for Civil Society; an organisation with the ambition to become the platform of global NGOs...
7 Novembre 2009
Would you believe such a small country has produced so many key players in Europe such as Barroso, President of the EC; Maria Joao Rofrigues, Ms Lisbon Strategy and a dynasty of football players? I’m leaving Lisbon where I’ve been...
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