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Febbraio 2025
28 Febbraio 2010
I had dinner with Hans and Hanneke; a proper continental one with good food, wine and many personal questions, some embarrassing. After one of my usual sweeping statements, Hanneke stopped me to clarify: “What do you mean that you don’t...
di Filippo Addarii
22 Febbraio 2010
The Commission is under attack by all NGOs and charities. Europe 2020, the new economic strategy which follows the Lisbon Strategy, has forgotten the central piece of the puzzle: people. I guess nobody in the Commission has ever heard about...
14 Febbraio 2010
Last week I was cc in an email chain that started in my home town Bologna and propagated across the country. Some of my relatives were involved as well. It’s not the first time but it was the same topic: WE...
6 Febbraio 2010
My grandfather said ‘every month you must go to Rome if you want to get what you need for your hometown’. He was a top civil servant in my hometown Bologna. It was the 30s and Mussolini ruled in Italy. My...
30 Gennaio 2010
The French are not the only ones to rediscover nationalism in the recession. Even the champions of liberalism have fallen in the trap when another national champion – the chocolate maker Cadbury – has been taken over by foreigners. The...
23 Gennaio 2010
Despite 3 weeks under the Brazilian sun, my new color couldn’t persuade my friend Darren (I call him Black Mamba). He argued that I couldn’t understand the Blacks’ struggle because of the color of my skin. In all my life I...
16 Gennaio 2010
We in civil society are good at preaching denouncing misdid of politicians and businessp people but too often are afraid of gettign our hands dirty. What’s civil society is doing beyong circulating appeals, donating money, and leaving the work to...
9 Gennaio 2010
I´m still not sure I wil be able to make my way back to Europe as the old continent has been punished by gods for the sins of its citizens. I´m not worried about being trapped in the New World… altough...
6 Gennaio 2010
In 2002 I was in Porto Alegre (Southern Brazil) for the second World Social Forum. It was the gathering of anti-globalization movement. I was there not because I was against globalization but I couldn’t find my place in the system where I...
31 Dicembre 2009
This the end of 2009. It was a glorious year and you must all be proud of your civil society hero. Unfortunately I can’t say who you are since I still haven’t received the stats of my blog from my editor....
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