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3 Maggio 2010
This weekend I had to advertise that ‘I’m not gay’, running up and down 25 October street, the main road in Tiraspol, to reassure our partners. Diversity is not a popular concept in Moldova, even within civil society. The Kishinau City Council...
di Filippo Addarii
30 Aprile 2010
Anticipazioni da Vita magazine in edicola
26 Aprile 2010
In the last few weeks I’ve come across several articles on social business, investments and how to make profit working in the third sector. For example, McKinsey have just a launched some articles on the topic in its newsletter and even...
16 Aprile 2010
Everybody has a gay relative or friend today. Homosexuals are open in society. You expect them to look cool, well-dressed, fit, parfume’ – essentially looking like they live forever in their mid-20s. In the last decade the homosexual look has contaminated...
11 Aprile 2010
When I was a kid I loved irritating people, pointing out what they would spend all their energy trying to hide. It might sound like a quote from the Marquise de Merseille (Les liaison dangeureuses) but it’s true and I...
3 Aprile 2010
My American flatmate enjoys reminding me that it’s not the size of the wand that matters but the magic you make with it. He doesn’t refer to politics… but for this purpose, it fits. This week the Tories launched their...
28 Marzo 2010
In Western Europe the Italystan Republic (what I rename my home country) goes to vote again. It’s not a national election but the reputation of the PM is at stake. Is it an opportunity for change? The country needs to...
22 Marzo 2010
I have never really appreciated Oscar Wilde. I had to read him, as expected, with a liberal Parisian intellect when I was in my early 20s. I’ve never understood his value. I found him a mundane author whilst admiring writers like...
13 Marzo 2010
My first day at University the Prof asked me an unusual question for someone who was 18 years old, had always lived in a provincial town and raised in a conservative upper-class environment: ‘What’s your favourite film?’ I recently realized how...
7 Marzo 2010
Today my father called me to tell me about a Nun he’s helping to build a hospital with in Ethiopia. She received a delivery from an international building company offering help. However, she found chemical waste instead of building materials. Are...
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