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Febbraio 2025
21 Novembre 2010
Dear David, It’s thanks you that I was invited to the workshop on ICT and society hosted by the European Commission in Brussels this week. I’ve never been to such an event with scientists from all over the world –...
di Filippo Addarii
14 Novembre 2010
Dear Ms Graessle MEP, Everybody in Brussels says you are a tough cookie. You are probably the most feared MEP at the Commission. However, I’ve always found myself in agreement with your hard line on transparency and efficiency in financial...
9 Novembre 2010
Olafur Eliasson – The weather project 2003 Dear Social Innovation, You have become my obsession in the last weeks. We met at a European competition and you further engaged me in a publication and an article. I was asked to write a...
4 Novembre 2010
Dear Staffan, I’ve already sent my congratulations for your recent appointment as President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The video you made for the occasion is brilliant. You started as a peasant in a rural corner of Sweden...
24 Ottobre 2010
Dear Jasna, We have never met but I hope it happens soon. I’m planning to be in Belgrade in the next few weeks. We have had a shaky couple of weeks recently but everything has been sorted out now. However, I’ve learnt how...
17 Ottobre 2010
Dear Patrizia Toia MEP, You have become the champion of social economy at the European Parliament. Thanks to the report named after you – the Toia report on social economy – a debate on the sector has taken place in...
10 Ottobre 2010
Dear Lord Liddle, I’ve lived in the UK for 6 years and have never understood why the Brits are so passionately anti-Europe… until I attended my first pro-Europe event in London last Thursday. It was a Federal Trust conference on...
8 Ottobre 2010
When I spotted the Schwab Foundation – the charitable arm of the World Economic Forum – awarded Marco Roveda as innovative social entrepreneur I realized the Rubicon had been crossed – for non-Latinists the Rubicon ifs the River Caesar crossed...
25 Settembre 2010
Dear Ed, It’s the first time in my life I can really say ‘I know him’ referring to a political leader. Does it make any difference? Not really. It depends if you are able to make the difference. We met...
19 Settembre 2010
Dear Holy Father, I’m writing to seek your advice as you are in town. I need help with my kids. The Church is passionate about youth – some of your officers a bit too much – and has a millenary track-record in...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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