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Febbraio 2025
10 Gennaio 2011
Dear Lester, As Robert Redford said to Barbara Streisand in The Way We Were, ‘What I like about you is that you never give up!’ After many years fighting on opposite ground we find ourselves on the same side at...
di Filippo Addarii
4 Gennaio 2011
Dear Soliman, Do you and Osama bin Laden have the same barber? You, yourself, have lived and worked in the United States for many years; you must realize that your appearance leaves many Westerners asking themselves the same question. I guess...
2 Gennaio 2011
Dear Prof Abdul-Wahab Noor-Wali, I have great gratitude to you for showing me that peace lies at the heart of Islam. While news of the attack to a Christian Church in Alexandria on New Year’s Eve proliferated across every front-page...
1 Gennaio 2011
Her Majesty the Queen, Just a line to congratulate you on your recent knighting of Stephen Bubb. It took a while but eventually you recognized what I spotted from the beginning, even before meeting him. Your kingdom has raised a hero who...
26 Dicembre 2010
Dear Mohammad, Thank you for introducing me to your country. You showed me a Saudi Arabia I didn’t expect. 2 months ago I decided to spend my Christmas holidays in Saudi. Every year I combine some down time – under...
21 Dicembre 2010
Dear Diogo, Ale iacta est – the die is cast. Julius Cesar’s famous declaration pronounced upon his crossing of the river Rubicon and declaration of war on Rome was followed by 20 years of civil war but in the end...
19 Dicembre 2010
Dear Prof. Tommaso Padoa Schioppa, We met only once. It was a brief encounter at the Eurostar bookshop in Brussels. I’m sorry you are leaving us when Europe is besieged from all fronts. The men of your generation who believed in...
11 Dicembre 2010
Dear Dr. Hany El-Banna, I really enjoyed running the master-class on European advocacy and funding for Muslim-led charities with you. You have a unique way of communicating. It reminds me of the poets of the ancient times like Homer. Every...
4 Dicembre 2010
Dear Jonathan, Thanks for accepting my invitation to speak at the pilot on European advocacy and funding for Muslim charities Euclid will run next Wednesday. I need another favour. You must answer a question. I’ve been losing sleep over a...
28 Novembre 2010
Dear Commissioner Reding, The debt crisis is putting the whole European Union at risk. The collapse of the Euro would damage everybody. The media loves a good political disaster but I’m confident that, once the flames have been extinguished, the...
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