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Febbraio 2025
21 Agosto 2011
There is always a first time and this one really left me speechless. My argument was dismissed because of my nationality. Res Publica – the think tank of Big Society – publised my blog on the London riots and a...
di Filippo Addarii
13 Agosto 2011
Despite all the international media having the 50th anniversary of the Berlin wall as the news of the day, I can’t avoid writing about the riots in London. We can’t forget the past but the future is waiting for us....
7 Agosto 2011
I’ve just come back from one week’s holiday in Italy. It was quite an experince – after so many years abroad – spending free time in my home country right in the middle of a crisis. What an opportunity to reflect on...
26 Luglio 2011
Finally, I’ve got a place on the beach. The first building in the Social Innovation Park is almost ready and an office with a view on the gulf has been reserved for me. This is part of Euclid’s partnership with...
17 Luglio 2011
Who is going to vote for Europe if nobody helps people to feel like Europeans and gives them a good reason to make an effort? This could have been my question when, on Friday, I was invited to the talk...
9 Luglio 2011
Ciao Diogo, You left us after a few days in an hospital just for a cold. This was not the end anybody expected. We had a lunch scheduled on Monday. Before I let you go, I must thank you for...
5 Luglio 2011
I spent the WE at Wiston House the exclusive private estate in Southern England which hosts Wilton Park, an institution created by Churchill after the war to facilitate informal disucssions between diplomats from all over the world. The topic was...
26 Giugno 2011
4 Director Generals from the European Commisssion, Ambassadors from across the world and the entirie international media community. Where can you find all of them gathered in Brussels on Saturday evening? It’s neither the conference on Greek default nor the...
19 Giugno 2011
Have you seen the face Stephen made when Karol proposed that French social banks invest in the Big Society Bank? That was a Friday lunch when Hugues and Karol invited us to Paris to finalize our joint plan for the European...
12 Giugno 2011
“What’s Big Society?” has become a joke in the UK, especially amongst the defeated defeatists. Despite having lived amongst the natives for 7 years this is another of the mysteries I haven’t been able to decipher as the answer is...
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