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Febbraio 2025
12 Dicembre 2011
You don’t expect me to ask a question that plays with the most familiar tune of the social sector. I’m well known for my sweeping comments on the Francophone Economie social et solidaire and very British voluntary and community sector: too...
di Filippo Addarii
3 Dicembre 2011
This time it is not about Europe but me. However, the question is the same: is it the beginning of the end? Today it’s my birthday. I celebrated it starting my antiretroviral treatment. As you can see here is the first...
27 Novembre 2011
It was lesa majestatis when, last week in Gdynia (Poland) Yvonne, a senior journalist from the Observer, questioned Geoff Mulgan on the lack of a clear political agenda within the debate on social innovation. I take side with the traitor this...
19 Novembre 2011
Profits are still an issue for operators in the social sector. I refer to it as the social sector, because the terminology is becoming even more convoluted these days. Civil society, third sector, voluntary sector, NGOs, social economy, social enterprise,...
13 Novembre 2011
In places like Naples you don’t survive without passion. Passion keeps you motivated and is a valuable currency in an economy short of cash. People connect and trade in passion, the only commodity in rich supply. But passion doesn’t have...
6 Novembre 2011
We have spent months reading and talking about Greece, the EU, the IMF, what Germany does, what Sarkozy said, the markets, deficits, and billions of Euros…and yet we read less and less about the people of Greece. Have we forgotten...
30 Ottobre 2011
Despite the silence of Vita publisher, I’ve decided to go ahead with my blog. While feedback is lacking, there are several individuals that continue to encourage me to post. I still have something to say, it seems. I’ve just ordered the...
26 Settembre 2011
It’s difficult to describe what we have gone through all together in Naples for the last 4 days. For sure the back stage was a mess but every participant congratulated for the achievements. All the delegates I spoke to were...
19 Settembre 2011
I’m waiting in the Moscow airport on my way from Sochi to Naples. It’s like going back to the future. Would you believe me? The story started last week. Alexander, a old Russian friend met at the Civil G8 in...
11 Settembre 2011
Have you ever heard about the Broken Windows policy? It’s the famous Giuliani’s strategy to tackle crime in NY. If a window in a inhabitated building is broken, fix it or vandals will break other ones, then the door, drug delears...
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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