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Febbraio 2025
29 Settembre 2006
After the protests of right-winger and hoolingans civil society organisations signed different petitions calling for peace
di European House
A European student diary aimed at students aged 14-18 has been published for the beginning of the school year
The event will take place in Budapest on 18-19 October, 2006, with the main emphasis on NGO opportunities, civil society developments in Hungary and the future of Europe.
10 Settembre 2006
The government agency responsible for development issues prepared the draft of the second National Development Plan; it will require spending EUR 28 billion
17 Luglio 2006
Hungarians are pessimists but trust EU institutions Analysis of Eurobarometer survey No. 65
International Youth and Children Festival in Kecskemét
16 Luglio 2006
Hungarian NGOs make a joint statement on The European Commissions White paper
3 Luglio 2006
The Hungarian "NGO of the Year" prize was awarded to a telephone hotline operator for elderly people "the Afternoon Foundation".
CIVICUS, one of the leading global civil society alliances, decided to hold its 6th world assembly in Scotland under the title:" Acting Together for a Just World".
25 Giugno 2006
Stakeholders met in Budapest for a Regional Forum Bridging the Gap: how to bring Europe and its citizens closer together?
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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