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Febbraio 2025
28 Settembre 2006
The Ministry of Welfare proposes changes to the child care benefit system
di Dainis Dambenieks
The projects have won in tender for right to develop and implement social rehabilitation programs to people subjected to social risks
Minimum wage: 83 thousand people affected. 9.1 million lats requested from the state budget
Malta: seminar offering civil society organisations the opportunity to develop their expertise on EU Trade policy took place in May
10 Settembre 2006
Health experts praised Latvia's decision to ban the sale of junk food in public schools to fight childhood obesity
State Labour Inspectorate instructs young generation regarding the occupational safety and health matters by organizing different activities and competitions for children.
Up until the middle of this year, forty three European Union Cohesion funding projects, LVL 461.1 million, had been approved (data from the Latvian finance ministry)
The campaigns of Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) have the aim to implement the legislative enactments in the field of occupational safety and health at the work place
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work is launching a practical Guide to risk assessment in business
29 Giugno 2006
Editors of internet portals, representatives of societies and foundations and state institutions prepared a declaration to encourage true, open, honest and justified discussion.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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