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Febbraio 2025
17 Dicembre 2006
An inter-institutional working group developed a draft amendments which foresee criminal liability for offences related to discrimination
di Dainis Dambenieks
16 Dicembre 2006
Experiences and opportunities of bilingual education as it is viewed by NGOs and institutions
30 Ottobre 2006
Foreign victims of human trafficking will have a chance to receive assistance in Latvia
On September 26 The Cabinet of Ministers supported the Regulations prepared by the Ministry of Interior (IeM) on payment procedure for overtime work
In the meeting of Cabinet of Ministers was approved statements project elaborated by the Ministry of the Environment Statements for renewable energy resources usage 2006-2013.
The Internet and the post-WSIS environment: enhancing dialogue among the stakeholders
JS and RCBI jointly organize a Partner Search Lead Applicant Seminar in Priekuli, Latvia
28 Settembre 2006
Between the Ministry of the Environment and joint stock company UPB was signed construction works agreement Reconstruction of water supply and sewage systems in Karosta.
Last week has been approved Cabinet Regulations project elaborated by the Ministry of the Environment On North Vidzeme regional waste management plan 20062013
Following proposal by the Ministry of Welfare, as of January 1, 2007 the state family benefit will be increased
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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