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Febbraio 2025
10 Febbraio 2007
The City Council of Liepaja is trying to optimize the city school system and close several secondary schools teaching in Russian within 2007-2013
di Dainis Dambenieks
Hansabanka donated LVL 100.000, the largest ever donation to a culture project for children made in Latvia so far
9 Febbraio 2007
Report from the conference "New Ignalina - Benefits and dangers"
9 Gennaio 2007
After episodes of foreign workers detained and companies sanctioned for illegal employment government cancels any restrictions
8 Gennaio 2007
It has been stressed the lack of the right means to fight discrimination
6 Gennaio 2007
The number of incidents are slowly but growing year by year
17 Dicembre 2006
"It would strengthen ties to the native country for those residing abroad"
A government campaign to ask if one agrees with division of responsibilities by women and men in everyday life
Massive labour migration to Ireland and UK is slowing down the sectors of trade and service
Nearly 90 per cent of the applications for citizenship come from russian native speaking
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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