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Febbraio 2025
9 Marzo 2007
The main task has been set to improve substantially the situation of people who are disabled from childhood
di Dainis Dambenieks
6 Marzo 2007
A rise in several administratively regulated prices will be unavoidable today and for some years ahead
5 Marzo 2007
Every person can apply in the cases of possible violations of human rights and when the principle of good administration has been violated
In next months will begin social campaigns on internet security organized by the Ministry for Children and Family Affairs
In the three years since it's introduction 16.5 thousand fathers have benefitted from a paternity leave
4 Marzo 2007
The country ranks third among EU member states in terms of the risk of poverty among jobless, elderly and families with many children
2 Marzo 2007
The Labour law proposes to facilitate the social dialogue and to ensure employees safe and health-friendly work conditions
11 Febbraio 2007
The prohibition of smoking remain valid in all public buildings, such as cinemas, concert halls, gyms, post offices, and nightclubs
This was the first time in Latvia that perpetrators of a hate crime have been sent to prison, and the second hate crime conviction overall
Recent report stresses the lack of long term integration policy and highlights how the national approach failed to handle the regional differences
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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