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Marzo 2025
12 Luglio 2010
Hungary. Interview with Balázs Gerencsér, director of Niok: fundraising is crucial in times of crisis
di Cristina Barbetta
Interview with pro-Europeanist Dr Joachim Wuermeling about the crisis: its time to think strategically
6 Luglio 2010
Interview with Borbála Juhász, gender expert and pro-women activist: women at risk from economic downturn
4 Luglio 2010
Non Profit ID card. Pro Natura environmental organisation
1 Luglio 2010
The Austrian third sector will have to be creative to fare the crisis says BDV director Judith Pühringer
24 Giugno 2010
A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe
17 Giugno 2010
Public spending will face a 1.7 billion euros cut in 2011 leaving civil society stranded.
7 Giugno 2010
Non Profit ID card. Banque du Luxembourg organises multinational foundation symposium.
21 Maggio 2010
A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe.
17 Maggio 2010
Bella Bello Bitugu, Austria's first black referee, answers Vita Europe's questions.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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